‘ABUSE OF POWER + CAN YOU BE HAPPY IN A SAD WORLD? + FIERY SAVAGE’ – The Michael Savage Show 2021-06-25
Prices Rising Fast as Inflation Hits 3 Decade High! Why Everything Is About To Cost More (Money GPS) 2021-06-25
Derek Chauvin to be sentenced for murder of George Floyd, faces up to 30 years (What about the black cop that shot Ashlee Babbitt in the back at the Capitol?) 2021-06-25
Jeremiah Babe and Bull Boom Bear Bust are right about commercial real estate (Greg Fowler) 2021-06-25
Financial Districts Turned Ghost Towns, Commercial Real Estate Rents Plummet, Shipping $125,000/Day (Silver Report Uncut) 2021-06-25
Joe Biden’s Bureau of Land Management Nominee Pushed Population Control, Defined American Children as ‘Environmental Hazard’ 2021-06-25
Black Extremist ‘Shoots Daytona Cop In The Head’ As DOJ, FBI Stay Laser-Focused On Jan 6 Protesters And ‘White Extremists’ 2021-06-25
What’s Bill Gates Doing With All That Farm Land He’s Buying Up? He Wants to Change Your Diet. You Do What Uncle Bill Says… 2021-06-25