Global Elite Are Showing Their True Colors AND Fed Admits To Implementing Yield Curve Control. Central Planners Reign… 2021-05-15
Eric Clapton SPEAKS OUT Against Covid JAB! – Faces SERIOUS Vaccine Side Effects! May Never Play Guitar Again? 2021-05-15
Watch the moment an Israeli air strike hits the Associated Press and Al-Jazeera offices in Gaza 2021-05-15
Biden Stumbles on an Innovative Way to Push His Transgender Agenda: Import Trans Migrants (Is he forcing US taxpayers to pay for their expensive surgeries?) 2021-05-15
Chances are strong foreign powers and enemies of the United States (Red China) are aware of Joe Biden’s closest friends, family and allies 2021-05-15
Warren “Friskies” Buffett Gave Biden $60M in campaign money. Wanted oil tran$ported by hi$ rail car$. Biden closes Keystone Pipeline. Who benefit$? Do the math… 2021-05-15
Dr. Strangelove Admits — Roughly half of NIH employees have chosen not to get vaccine (Gee, I wonder why?) 2021-05-15
Crisis! 124 retired generals and admirals question Biden’s mental health and presidential election results… 2021-05-15
Analysis: U.S. investors looking for protection as inflation pressures bubble, stocks volatile 2021-05-15
White House defends teaching critical race theory (anti-Caucasian, Marxist hate indoctrination) calling it ‘responsible’ 2021-05-15