700+ critical supply Barge pile up on the Mississippi about to cause huge problems for food producers and grocery stores? 2021-05-14
Binance Facing IRS & Justice Department Probe, While Colonial Pipeline Is Cited For More Regulation 2021-05-14
Not Your Childhood Classics: ‘Nancy Drew’ Now Focuses on Race and Homosexuality (The Marxist degenerates are brainwashing and corrupting our children) 2021-05-14
Trump Weighing Dates, Venues for June, July Rallies (He needs to rally the people in the face of the illegitimate, Marxist Biden Regime) 2021-05-14
(VIDEO) Maricopa ballot batches off by 17.5 percent… (Stolen election. Biden Regime is illegit. They stole democracy!) 2021-05-14
CDC: Fully Vaccinated People Don’t Have to Wear Masks Inside (How about the sick illegal aliens pouring across the border. Have anything to say about that? frauds!) 2021-05-14
Biden Says ‘Rule Is Simple”: Get Vaccinated Or Wear A Mask Until You Do (The Constitution is simple: Go Scr*w Yourself!) 2021-05-14
Mad Vax: Big Mouth Bill Maher Gets Covid…and the Poor Slob is All Vaxxed up! Call Dr. Slouchi… 2021-05-14