Chinese Military Discussed Weaponizing COVID In 2015 ‘To Cause Enemy’s Medical System To Collapse’ 2021-05-08
Cyber attack shuts down largest US gasoline pipeline – 45% of east coast and southern regions 2021-05-08
NJ Police Officer Fired for Calling BLM “Terrorists.” Actually they’re Marxist Revolutionary “Terrorists” 2021-05-08
China seeks forward bases in Pacific and Atlantic Oceans (Just in time for Comrade Kamala’s installation as Prez of the USSA) 2021-05-08
Gordon Chang: Communist China Has Committed ‘Mass Murder’ of Americans [Coming 5/8 at 7pm ET] 2021-05-08
BLM founder is giddy over transformative organizing theory propaganda ‘like Mao’s Red Book’ 2021-05-08
Portland on brink of civil war? Radical protesters take over streets, assault & point weapons at innocent citizens. Police do nothing! 2021-05-08
Rapid Food Price Inflation Could Destabilize The World, Prices Surge 30% YoY, Car Prices Surge 2021-05-08
Infectious variants have prompted Japanese authorities to extend state of emergency (While vax doses pile up) 2021-05-08
Biden is violating the constitution, via race-based lending, killing Caucasian business by design (Get whitey!) 2021-05-08
Will Australia ‘die a long, lingering death’ via Chinese economic warfare or will it go kinetic? 2021-05-08