New concerns about strange side-effects from Covid-19 Vaccine (Sure you want to pump the entire U.S. military full of this experimental vax?) 2021-04-27
Can the US ‘rescue Taiwan’ from China? (Solzhenitsyn warned about letting Taiwan fall to communism) 2021-04-27
Scientists “Debunking” Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Admit Being Collaborators and Honorees of Chinese Communist Party 2021-04-27
Talk of requiring (forcing) all military members to be vaccinated + Iranian vessels engage U.S. in Persian Gulf 2021-04-27
New CDC guidance eases outdoor mask requirements for fully vaccinated people (In vax we trust…all others be veiled) 2021-04-27
‘AMERICA IN FREE FALL:’ From Academy Awards to Diversity Rewards: A Communist Revolution Superimposed (Non-violent)…and imposed (Violent) 2021-04-27
Biden has no active role in running the government (Therefore the Marxist, Globalist, Deep State Regime Has the Reins of Power – Enjoy the Ride!) 2021-04-27
Global Food Prices SOAR to 7 Year High as Shortages Add Additional Strain on Supply Chain! 2021-04-27
Content of Character: Andrew Brown Jr. was known drug dealer with rap sheet over 180 pages 2021-04-27
Federal Agency Won’t Say How Kamala’s Book Ended Up In Welcome Bags For Illegal Alien Children 2021-04-27
Medical Racism: Preferential Treatments for Blacks over Whites – is Here (Marxist Medicine) 2021-04-27