PERSECUTION: Biden DOJ Announces New Lawsuit Against Roger Stone Over Alleged Unpaid Taxes 2021-04-16
More Than A Dozen States Are Trying To Nullify Unconstitutional Federal Gun Control Measures 2021-04-16
4 virus mutations (“variants of concern”) are spreading in the US: they can make people sicker, evade the immune response & spread faster 2021-04-16
David Horowitz Video: ‘The Enemy Within:’ How a totalitarian movement is destroying America. 2021-04-16
Jim Rickards: Inflation, Deflation + Modern Monetary Theory + Bernie Sanders’ Redistributionist Policies as Head of Senate Budget Committee 2021-04-16
Daunte Wright Protesters Rally for 5th Night at Brooklyn Center Police Station (Every criminal a saint to the deranged mobs) 2021-04-16
Gov. McMaster: ‘Biden Administration Ought to Admit That Donald Trump Had it Right’ on Border 2021-04-16
US Intelligence Officially Walks Back Claim Russia Paid Bounties For US Troops In Afghanistan 2021-04-16
Expert Claims Floyd Died Of Heart-Rhythm Problem (Get ready for the riots and looting: i.e. social street justice) 2021-04-16