There’s too much power and control to be lost and money to be made off cheap, Chinese slave labor and forbidden virus research like Gain of Function. So much for the anti-imperialist “workers” paradise of Bernie Sanders.
Don’t feel too bad Lefties. The Globalists fooled those of us on the the Right too. They were building up the communist enemy with financial aid and dual-use tech military trade during the coldest freeze of the Cold War, even as we were fighting communism in Vietnam and right up to the day that the Iraq war started. Just like they built and are building up communist China for war while laughing all the way to the bank.
When you control both sides of the political equation pulling the strings is so much easier, so much more effective. And the corporate (institutional) sociopaths and psychopaths in government, media and business are more than happy to go along to get along…it’s in their nature! They love it! They actually delight in duping the true believers. Not that the true believers are wrong, they’re right in their felt concerns and authentic empathy which the sociopaths exploit–having zero authentic empathy themselves. They’re good actors though: after all look at Hollywood and politics: two sides of the same delusional coin. All the world’s indeed a stage–for their grand play…
We fight and die, they flood us with illegal aliens, diluting our citizenship, with hungry foreigners who get to retire on our social safety net benefits as soon as they set foot in this country, with no skin in the game except to vote Democrat, and seemingly above the law. Meanwhile, more Americans are becoming homeless… This is what our relatives fought for in WWII? No. The Elites have broken the economic and social contract with America.
They used and duped us both. They’re the devil… This is the New World Order. It only gets worse from here. They’re taking us down the tranny highway towards trans-humanism and post-humanism without our knowledge consent for the most part: the consent of the governed. All across America, down to the high school level, you are seeing women’s sports records – and female identity itself – smashed by
transgender “women” in men’s bodies. Nobody voted for this. If you object to this “Woke” nihilism you’re a racist, transphobic, bigoted, white supremacist hater. So you shrink back in fear and give up your right to rightfully protest.
Perhaps they’ll even tax the air you breathe and slap a patent on ownership of the human genome so you’ll have to pay taxes on your own body because they own your genomic rights. That’s before you’re finally reduced to a computer program algorithm in side the grand, super program. I guess if you object to that you’ll be labeled machine-phobic and investigated by the FBI for a machine rights violation.
Luckily you’ve got superficial freedoms though. Since Globalist kingpin George Soros has been pumping money into plentiful legalized marijuana to make your feel better about it all, you’ll get to self-medicate your brains out into a foggy stupor. It’ll definitely help ease those Covid vax injuries you sustained because you trusted the “settled science.”
To further escape the madness, you can always watch the raunchist porn 24/7 or run up your high interest rate credit card to pay your rising rent since you no longer make a livable wage. Buying some cheap McNuggets at Mickey D’s will keep you well fed. You can a;waus plug into Zuckerberg’s fantasy Meta-universe with goggles and meet your pretend friends on a pretend beach or take a fake vacation for an hour to forget about your troubles.
Just be sure to slap a mask on your kids before sending them off to school to be taught that America is an evil, racist, white supremacist country and how to put a condom on a banana so they can sex it up right. Besides, who needs fascist Christian morality any more. Certainly not the Government/Media/Big Tech/Big Pharma Complex. They just need willing sacrifices before the altar of “woke” conformity.
And don’t forget to bend over for Uncle Sam so he can shove another needle in your arse for Covid booster shot #10, else you might find yourself out of a job.