1) A U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency will be tied to 2) A national digital ID system, linked to 3) A Red Chinese style social credit score then 4) The system goes global “that no man might buy or sell” = New World Order Global Regime of Economic Interdependence

Sorry that Professor Dolt or CNN didn’t let you in on the news…. Is it a conspiracy? No. It’s right out in the open. Call it a global hostile takeover… And you know what? You’ll go along to get along. Just like you’re doing with the (socially) imposed vax in the face of a mismanaged & manufactured Covid viral pandemic…


Will I dream in the New World Order?

For the good of all you shall labor–like well-behaved, hive-minded ants in the soulless NWO. The Social Justice Warriors will relish their servitude…and yours!